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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some Important Facts

 1. Why 11th July was chosen as World Population Day?

In 1987 world's population touched the 5 billion height. The last child in this crowd of 5 billion was born in Yugoslavia on 11th July 1987. That is the reason that this date was chosen as World Population Day.

2. What are commercial crops?

Those crops which are produced for trade purpose rather than direct consumption by farmers. These include oilseed crops, sugar , fibers, narcotic crops & beverage crops.

3. What is Civil Services Bill?

The Government has recently drafted a Civil Services Bill, which envisages to provide a statutory basis for the regulation of the Civil Services in India, to regulate the appointment and conditions of the service of Civil Servants, to lay down the fundamental values of Civil Services, the Civil Services Code of Ethics, Civil Service Management Code, to establish a Civil Services
Authority for facilitating review and to develop Civil Services as a professional, neutral, merit based and accountable instrument for promoting good governance and better delivery of services to citizens.
4. Where is Mount Erebus?

Mount Erebus is in Antarctica. It is the only live volcano of Antarctica and Earth's southernmost volcano.

5. What is the name of the naval version of Prithvi Missile?

Prithvi III is the naval version of Prithvi Missile and it is known by name Dhanush. Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully test-fired the 350 km range Dhanush missile in November 2004 from INS Subhadra along the east coast. The missile is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warhead. The launch was jointly conducted by
the crew of INS Subhadra and the DRDO.
 6. How many nuclear tests were conducted in Pokharan II?

On May 11, 1998 India conducted 3 nuclear underground tests. These were 1. a fission device, 2. a low yield device 3. a thermo nuclear device. These three tests covered the full spectrum of nuclear weapons. On May 13, two further underground tests were conducted.

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