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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Indian Cities & Nicknames

1.Rose Pink City - Jaipur (Rajastan) 2.Garden City - Bangalore (Karnataka) 3.Diamond City - Surat (Gujarat) 4.Egg city - Namakkal (Tamilnadu) 5.Lake City - Udaipur (Rajastan) 6.Sun City - Jodhpur (Rajastan) 7.City of Palaces - Kolkata (West Bengal) 8.Bangle City - Hyderabad (Andra Pradesh) 9.Golden City - Jaisalmer(Rajastan) 10.City of Dawn...

Some iso

iso-, is- + isogriv In cartography, a line on a map or chart drawn through all points on the earth’s surface that have equal grivation (grid variation). isogynous Having pistils or carpels equal in number to the parts of the perianth. isohaline A line (imaginary or on a chart), or an imaginary surface, connecting points that have the same...

Ten rockets fired to study solar eclipse

The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) launched a total of 10 Rohini series indigenous sounding rockets from the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station here and the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota to investigate the effects of the longest annular solar eclipse of this millennium, which occurred on Friday, on the earth’s atmosphere. On...

History Fact Sheet : Literary Works of Gupta Period

Kalidasa: Raghuvamsa, Ritusamhara, Meghduta, Vikramorvarshiya, Malvikagnimitra, Abhijnanashakuntalam Batsabhatti : Ravanabodha Dandin : Kavyadarshana, Daskumarcharita, Kavyadarsha Bharavi : Kiratarjunium, Bharatahari : Nitishataka Sudaraka : Mrichhakatka...

Asoka 304 BC – 232 BC

Asoka was the third and the greatest of the Mauryan rulers. He occupies a high position not only in the history of India but in the world history also. He was coroneted four years after the death of his father, Bindusara (273BC). The early life of Asoka is not very clear due to scanty historical resources. Buddhist sources say that he killed all...

Chanakya (Kautilya) (350-283 BC)

1. Chanakya was an adviser and a prime minister to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta , who was the chief architect of his rise to power. Born as Vishnu Sharma, Kautilya and Vishnugupta, the names by which this ancient Indian Politico-economical treatise called the Arthaśāstra identifies its author. 2. He is known as "The Indian Machiavelli" in...

Chandragupta Maurya (321-293 BC)

1. He was the founder of the Mauryan Dynasty. With the help of Chanakya, he overthrew the Nanda Dynasty (Dhanananda was the last ruler of Nanda Dynasty). His vast empire included Bihar, Bengal, Deccan (except modern Kerala, Tamilnadu and parts of North east India) , Eastern Afghanistan, Baluchistan and area west of Indus river. In this way he was...

Quick Fact Sheet : Vedic Civilization in India

1. Vedic Literature is known to be written between 1000 to 600 BC. Veda means to know or to get knowledge. 2. Arya means Foreigner (ary in Russian language is outsider or unknown). Aryas were originally from south Russia as per Brandastine. 3. Vedic Hymns or Types of Veda: Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Samveda, Atharvaveda 4. Rig veda is a collection of praise...

Quick fact Sheet : Indus Valley Civilization

1. The period of Indus valley civilization was 2500 B.C. to 1500 B.C. however recent carbon dating has confirmed 2400-1700 B.C. (mature period 2600–1900 BC as per wikipedia) 2. Extended from Baluchistan to Gujarat with an upward reach to Punjab. The major area included is Valley of Indus River, Rajasthan, East Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Indira Gandhi Peace Award conferred to Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasin

President Mrs. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil conferred Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2009 on Prime Minister of Bangladesh Mrs. Sheikh Hasina at a function at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on Tuesday. Speaking on the...

Question Answers series

An Indian student was recently stabbed to death in this country, which has lately been in news for a series of alleged racial attacks on Indian students. Name the country. a. UK b. USA c. Australia d. Canada Al-Qaeda threats have recently forced Britain and the US to close their embassies in this country. a. Pakistan b. Afghanistan c. Iraq d. Yemen. Name...

Question Answers series

… actor, Vishnuvardhan died of cardiac arrest. Frenzied fans, who could not pay tribute to the icon due to surging crowd, went berserk and threw stones which did not spare even the wife of the deceased. a. Tamil b. Kannada c. Telugu d. Malyalam Name the head of All Jharkhand Students Union (AJSU) who was sworn in as a minister in Jharkhand Assembly...

Question Answers series

1. The Chilka Lake is in                Ans: Orissa 2.The clouds which causes continuous rain :                Ans:Nimbus 3.Taran Taran Tragedy was associated with               ...

Yuva Trains

First Yuva Train: Howrah Railway Station. 2249/2250 Howrah-New Delhi ‘Yuva’ Express (weekly) has been launched. This is the first yuva Train of the country. What are Yuva trains? Yuva Trains were announced in the Railway Budget 2009-10 by the Railway Minister and they are targeted mainly for the unemployed youths of the country. The objective is to...

Governer Of Indian States

Indian State Name From Andhra Pradesh E S L Narsimhan 27 December 2009 (acting) Arunachal Pradesh Joginder Jaswant Singh 24 January 2008 Assam Janaki Ballabh Patnaik 27 November, 2009 Bihar Devanand Konwar 24 July 2009 Chhattisgarh E.S.L. Narasimhan 25 January 2007 Goa Shivinder Singh Sidhu 22 July 2008 Gujarat Dr. Kamla...