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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some iso

iso-is- +

In cartography, a line on a map or chart drawn through all points on the earth’s surface that have equal grivation (grid variation).
Having pistils or carpels equal in number to the parts of the perianth.
A line (imaginary or on a chart), or an imaginary surface, connecting points that have the same or equal salinity.
A line on a map or chart connecting points at which the waters of the sea have an equal degree of saltiness.
isohel, isohelic
A line (imaginary or on a map) connecting points having the same amount or duration of sunshine.
isohyetal, isohyetose
A line on a map, etc., connecting places having equal annual or seasonal rainfall.
Immunization of an individual by the introduction of antigens from another individual of the same species.
1. Having thunderstorm phenomena of equal frequency or severity, or simultaneous occurrence.
2. A line on a map that connects places of equal thunderstorm frequency.
Designating areas over which the keraunographic records of thudnerstorm phenomena are the same or similar.
Designating areas over which thunderstorm discharges are audible in the keraunophone with equal intensity.
Characterized by no disturbance to the speed and direction of a fluid when it is withdrawn as a sample from a flow.
Having equal sides.
isolex, isolexic, isolectic
A line connecting places in which there is uniformity of vocabulary.
A line on a chart or map connecting points of equal light intensity.
1. In optics, a curve, line, or surface whose points all have equal light intensity.
2. A curve or surface connecting points at which light intensity is the same. Also known as, isofootcandle, isophot.

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